Art Space 寄す処
Art Space Yosuga
京都府京都市 | アーティスト・イン・レジデンス
Kyoto-city,KYOTO | Artist in Residence
Basic information
Address〒600-8456 京都府京都市下京区東中筋通五条下る天使突抜3丁目454
運営団体Art Space 寄す処
利用方法公募 / 自薦
対応言語日本語 / 英語
Address3-454 tenshityukinuke higashinakasuji-dori gojyo-sagaru shimogyo-ku, kyoto, 600-8456 Japan
TEL+81 075-201-1047
FAX+81 075-201-1047
Name of organization Art Space Yosuga
Name of OrganizerTadayoshi Numasawa
Name of Coordinator(s)Tadayoshi Numasawa, Yukiko Mase
How to applyOpen Call / Application-based
Type of OrganizationArtist in Residence
Year of commencemnet2013
施設名である「寄す処(よすが)」とは、“縁”の語源となった言葉で、「身や心を寄せて頼りとするところ」「頼みとする人」「身より」「寄る辺」を意味します。当施設は、改装した京町家を使っており、寄り添い支え合う建築構造を有しています。この京町家での本プロジェクトが多くの表現者の「寄す処」となり、ひとりでも多くの人に笑顔をもたらすことを目指しています。また、これら表現者の支援を行なうとともに、地域交流、国際交流プログラムを推進することにより、芸術をとおして地域の活性化を図り、社会に貢献することを目的としています。 Art Space 寄す処では、表現者に限定して短期滞在の受け入れをしております。学生さんもお受けいたします。 京都の文化・芸術・芸能等について広く知っていただくため、制作なしのリサーチ活動のみでショートステイしていただけます。 アートイベントの参加や急な会議への出席、日常を離れ神社仏閣を巡ってインスピレーションを得たい…etc 表現者にとって普段の生活から得る全てがリサーチと考えています。
The word “yosuga,” used as the name of this facility, is the origin of the word “yukari” (connection, relation, etc.) in Japanese, meaning a place to physically or mentally depend on or person to rely on, for example, relatives, friends and protectors. This facility uses a renovated kyomachiya (traditional trade merchants‘ houses in Kyoto) with a structure in which each part of the building works together in mutual support. This facility is aimed at being a “yosuga” for many artists through this project and making as many people as possible smile. It also focuses on boosting the region through art and contributing to society by promoting regional and international exchange programs as well as supporting artists. Under the ‘Short Stay’ program, Art Space Yosuga is open to accepting residents who wish to stay for only a short period of time. The Short Stay idea would be for those who wish only to study Kyoto’s famous culture, crafts and performance, without actually creating artwork. The resident may attend art events and lectures, see unusual shrines and temples, etc. Ideally, for the resident, all these experiences would be considered research.
- twentyfour
- production
- exhibition
- research
- relax
- solitary
- international
- city
- festival
- historical
- contemporary
- 国籍
- なし
- 年齢
- なし
- 性別
- なし
- 期間
- 発表を伴う制作滞在は、最低1ヶ月以上。発表を伴わず自室で制作可能な場合、若しくはリサーチ活動、他施設での発表(展覧会・公演等)の際の滞在は一泊から滞在可能。最長3ヶ月まで。それ以上の滞在は応相談。
- 同伴
- 可能(滞在費用別途かかります。)但し、未就学児童はお受けできません。
- 分野
- 指定なし
- Nationality
- none
- Age
- none
- Sex
- none
- Period
- Shortstay program / 1 night -3 month stay (contact us for stays longer than one month), AIR program / Any 1 to 6 month period (scheduled in 1-month blocks).
- Companion
- Not specified
- Focus Area(s)
- all fields of artists, curator, researcher and person who is on arts management
- 現地コーディネート
- あり
- 招聘状発行
- 応相談
- 滞在ビザ取得
- なし
- Coordinator
- yes
- Letter of Invitation
- Please consult
- Visa
- none
- ▪篠田千明 (Chiharu Shinoda) Bangkok / scriptwriter ▪岸本佳子 (Kako Kishimoto) Japan / dramaturge ▪Ellen Moffat Canada / media art ▪Boat Zhang Shanghai / contemporary art ▪Luis Garay Argentine / contemporary art ▪Tom Weksler Israel / dancer ▪Peter Simon Altmann Austria / writer ▪Michael Maurissens Germany / dancer, choreographer ▪Monika Viktoria Australia / paint, doll artist ▪Rustan Soderling Holland ▪Aline Weyel Holland ▪Ismael Pinkler Argentine / dancer, choreographer ▪Leif Holmstrand Sweden ▪Arash Arfazadeh Sweden ▪小田井真美 (Mami Odai) Japan / art director ▪福原冠 (Kan Fukuhara) Japan / stage actor ▪Simen Korsmo Robertsen Norway / musician (pianist, director) ▪Vanessa Godden Australia / contemporary art ▪Josiane Keller USA / doll artist, puppeteer
Previous residents
- ▪Chiharu Shinoda Bangkok / scriptwriter ▪Kako Kishimoto Japan / dramaturge ▪Ellen Moffat Canada / media art ▪Boat Zhang Shanghai / contemporary art ▪Luis Garay Argentine / contemporary art ▪Tom Weksler Israel / dancer ▪Peter Simon Altmann Austria / writer ▪Michael Maurissens Germany / dancer, choreographer ▪Monika Viktoria Australia / paint, doll artist ▪Rustan Soderling Holland ▪Aline Weyel Holland ▪Ismael Pinkler Argentine / dancer, choreographer ▪Leif Holmstrand Sweden ▪Arash Arfazadeh Sweden ▪小田井真美 (Mami Odai) Japan / art director ▪福原冠 (Kan Fukuhara) Japan / stage actor ▪Simen Korsmo Robertsen Norway / musician (pianist, director) ▪Vanessa Godden Australia / contemporary art ▪Josiane Keller USA / doll artist, puppeteer
20 minutes walk from Karasuma central exit of Kyoto Station.
Option 2
8 minutes walk from Karasuma-Sen (Karasuma Line), Kyoto City Subway – Gojo Station (Exit No.4) .
Option 3
Get Kyoto City Bus at Kyoto station. Horikawa-Gojo is the nearet bus stop.
- 葵祭(5/15)
- 祇園祭、五山送り火
- 時代祭(10/22)
- 十日ゑびす大祭(1/8-1/12)
京都芸術センター 京都国立博物館 京都国立近代美術館 本願寺(西本願寺) 東寺 清水寺Local Charm
- Aoi-Maturi
- Gion-Matsuri
Places of Interest
Since the capital Heian-kyo was established there in 794, Kyoto has been the center of Japanese traditional culture and arts, called the “Millennium city.” Many cultural assets are found throughout the city and world heritages including Kamigamo Shrine, Shimogamo Shrine, Toji Temple, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Enryakuji Temple, Daigoji Temple, Ninnaji Temple, Byodoin Temple, Ujigami Shrine, Kosanji Temple, Saihoji Temple (known as the “Moss Temple”), Tenryuji Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, Ginkakuji Temple, Ryoanji Temple, Nishi-Hongwanji Temple and Nijo Castle are located in Kyoto Prefecture. The Kyoto Art Center and many other cultural facilities are located near Yosuga. This facility is conveniently located within walking distance from Kyoto Station.活動スペース
- 施設名
- 建物の種類
- 京町家
- 広さ
- 部屋数
- 3スペース / 京間(4.5畳+3畳)、京間(4.5畳)、洋間(6畳)
- 冷暖房設備
- エアコン、扇風機、電気ストーブ
- ネット環境
- Wi-Fi
- 備考
- 談話室1、共用キッチン1、共用浴室1、共用洗濯機×2
Accommodation Space
- Name of Facility
- Type of Building
- kyo-maciya(kyoto’s traditional small buildings)
- Size (Total floor space)
- Number of Rooms
- 3space / kyoma rooms (a Japanese-style room built according to a formula based on a space between the pillars of approximately 1.97 meters) with an area of 4.5 tatami mats + 3 tatami mats, one kyoma room with an area of 4.5 tatami mats, one Western-style room with an area of 6 tatami mats
- Airconditioning/Heating Facilities
- air conditioner, electric fan, electric heater
- Internet Access
- Wi-Fi
- Remarks
- Other: a lounge, common kitchen, common lavatories, common bathroom, common laundry room (with two washing machines)
- 施設名
- 広さ
- 18㎡、壁高2.7m
- ネット環境
- Wi-Fi
- 備考
- ◾制作・発表に際し、作品の大きさや設備等の問題により当施設の利用が出来ない場合は、他の施設(例:空き店舗、空きビル、陶芸工房等)を斡旋いたします(費用別途)。
Studio Space
- Name of Facility
- Size (Total floor space)
- 18 ㎡ and 2.7 m high
- Interntet Access
- Remarks
- Other: a lounge, common kitchen, common lavatories, common bathroom, common laundry room (with two washing machines)
- 施設名
- 展示スペース
- 広さ
- 13㎡、壁高2.7m +制作スペース
- 使用条件
- 備考
Exhibition Space
- Name of Facility
- Size (Total floor space)
- 18 ㎡ and 2.7 m high + studio space
- Conditions of Use